Audio Tour
We offer a fully immersive audio tour to a broad range of audiences including those who can’t access the Tower due to accessibility issues, who need visual cues and navigational instructions to complement their museum experience, and who want to explore the museum from the comfort of their homes. Our tour is available both in English and French.
Developed in collaboration with 45 Degrees Latitude Video and Web Design and Two Canes Consulting, our audio tour includes detailed physical and navigational instructions for visually disabled community members and consists of four sections: Beginning, Barracks Level, Basement and Gun Platform which take visitors on a unique journey into the history of Murney Tower.
English version:
French version:
The English version is made possible by a generous grant offered by the Community Foundation for Kingston and Area and the French version is made possible by the generous contribution of the City of Kingston and the Kingston and Area Association of Museums, Art Galleries and Historic Sites.
The audio tour is also available onsite at the Murney Tower Museum. You are welcome to use your own device or borrow our equipment.